Mikhail Kolodinskiy. Since the beginning of perestroika he took an active part in democratic movement in Russia. Mikhail Kolodinskiy and Vasiliy Starostin created the trade union SKT (Sibirskaja Konfederacija Truda). He worked in International Secretariat for SKT. Kolodinskiy was an editor-in-chief of the opposition newspaper Svobodnaya Territorya (Free Territory). As the editor-in-chief, Mikhail turned his newspaper into a weapon of ideological struggle against human rights abuse. The opposition newspaper was banned in 1995 on the basis of a complaint from the local authority that it was not legally registered and got the financial support from international organization. The accusations against Kolodinskiy were false, but in spite of this he was sentenced to prison.

After ordeal Mikhail realized that it is impossible to solve problems by political means paying no attention to spiritual life of man. Mikhail Kolodinskiy studied theology and philosophy in State University. Presently he is a head of movement for Religion and Human Rights (The Golden Gate). The Golden Gate was created to protect religion and human rights of believers.

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